Friday, November 27, 2009

Metal Band of the Day (modern) - Dirty Penny

Favorite Album - Take It Sleazy

Favorite Track - Midnight Ride

Key Member(s) - Rhythm Guitar Player

Cool Point - Despite not sounding good, they peaked at #38 in the classic rock billboard charts in 2008

Best Solo - Maybe Runnin' Wild, they could do with a real lead guitar player

Do They Do It Well? - Yes and No. Their New Album SUCKS, but their debut was a very cool Motley Crue rip-off with a slight Def Leppard influence. It seems like with the new one they caved into the dweeb criticism about sounding like Motley Crue and tried to stray away from the original sound. They ended up sounding like the Crues latest failure instead, with a more modern thick detuned sound and less catchy choruses.

Fashion (1 to 10) - 8, these guys know the fashion


Off of Take It Sleezey - I had to note that Black 'n' Blue SUCKS and Acoustic version of Sleeze Disease? Come on guys, what the fuck were you thinking? Harmonica, bad vocals, and a lead guitar player that has no idea what he's doing? If I didn't have so much hope for you, I would've laughed. The Acoustic version of Sleeze Disease...the non-acoustic version sucked enough, your singer is HORRIBLE and while obviously influenced by the Crue, can't do it quite as well...why the hell would you do an ACOUSTIC VERSION? You make your fans suffer through that shit twice? They're obviously very twisted...

The rest of the CD was boring with a couple cool parts. They would not have been notable in the 80s, but today they're amongst few that sound decent while doing it. Their singer could use some real voice lessons, they should seek a lead guitar player because their leads suck and aren't even remotely interesting, but their rhythms are good and tone is way better on their debut than newest CD.

The latest "Young and Reckless" You dropped the ball here guys. What the fuck were you thinking? The vocals were DRASTICALLY improved on this CD, but everything else was 10x worse. You were smart with the chorus in "If I Were You I'd Hate Me Too", it's catchy...but the guitars were AWFUL. Tone sucked, rhythms were uninventive and sounded like the same bullshit that's been around turning more douche bags in our (mine and Dirty Penny's) generation than any genre since the hippies. Tough out the critics guys, don't cave in. Oh and remember GET A LEAD GUITAR PLAYER, YOUR LEADS ARE HORRIBLE!!! You can't be an 80s style metal band with a bad lead guitar player.

Remember to say “THEY ROCK HARD \m/” in the comments if you want to vote for them as the best from the 80s

Check Out Take It Sleezy Here

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